About Aleks

alekss5Aleks is 5 and is pretty excited about the Olympics!

An intro to Aleks by his Dad:

Aleks was born into an online world and has been hearing about the Olympics since birth. It is no surprise that as the big day comes his whole world has begun to be completely immersed in the excitement of this world scale event.

A well branded child? Perhaps.

However, it is a world-scale event that will become part of the history of his childhood and he wants to see as much of it as he possibly can.

A few weeks ago he asked me if he could have his own website.

I asked, “What would you put on it?”

“Olympic stuff!” he responded.

So with that we set up a WordPress site and away we go.  Aleks is armed with his digital camera, a flip video camera, his TNMH self accreditation and he is aiming to visit everything and anything that is free. We will be assisting him along the way with his posts – hey he has just learned to read.

Through all the anti this n that , financial doom and gloom – there really is nothing more amazing than seeing the world through the eyes of a 5 yr old – who just doesn’t care about all of that. Aleks is out to have fun and wants to see all he can see. If it’s free he is in! Come along with us and enjoy!

